Dating and Matchmaking for INTP Simplified

The INTP personality type occurs in just 3.3% of the population. INTPs are analytical, individualists who seek novel ways of looking at things. While there are 16 MBTI/Jung personality types, not all are compatible, here are four highly compatible personality types for the INTP, as well as two personality types they will find challenging, based on personality compatibility.

Online Dating, finding great matches for the INTP personality type.

Personality Type: Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perception (INTP)

I – Introversion rather than Extraversion:

INTPs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extroverts gain energy).

N – Intuition rather than Sensing:

INTPs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities.

T – Thinking rather than Feeling:

INTPs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference or sentiment. When making decisions they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations. This does not mean that INTPs are unfeeling, they tend to push personal feelings aside and operate in a more objective fashion than some other people.

P – Perception rather than Judgment:

INTPs tend to approach life in a less structured way, keeping options open and flexibly changing.

INTPs are analytical, individualists who seek novel ways of looking at things. INTPs enjoy coming to new understandings and their brains “light up” thinking about all of the possibilities, and sometimes they get stuck analyzing and re-analyzing, fearing they have missed something critical. They tend to be pragmatic, creative and logical, preferring to make a series of logical suggestions on how to resolve an issue, and they don't beat around the bush, which is a perspective not always welcomed by more sensitive companions. INTPs are in their element quietly developing their ideas, theories, and principles.

So what personality types are good matches for the INTP personality type?

Well, there are 16 personality types in the Jung-Briggs system, and under that framework, these personality types should be on your short-list.

Here are four great matches for someone with the INTP personality type

The INTP and ENTP relationship:

This couple would have a great deal in common. With a mutual disregard for details, there could be some issues with day-to-day living and neglected but important details (e.g., tax returns) can catch up with them. The ENTP thrives on social interaction and the INTP finds it mentally exhausting.

The INTP and INFP relationship:

The INFP has a strong need to be of service in society, the INTP loves to problem solve and challenge others to think. Both types are creative and love exploring new ideas and ways of doing things. Differences in how decisions are made may cause some friction, as the INFP seeks harmony (thereby sometimes sacrificing objectivity), and the INTP is more likely to be more analytical and less swayed by the emotions of themselves and others.

The INTP and INTJ relationship:

There will be a great understanding between these two, they are both socially cautious and value competency. The is independent, whereas the INTP loves to challenge people to think.

The INTP and INTP relationship:

This combination is one where problem-solving takes center stage. There is mutual caution for social situations, which may see them becoming self-sufficient within their own relationship. Common disregard of details may cause a problem with day-to-day living.

The INTP is likely to find romantic relationships with ISFJ and ESFJ personality types very challenging

The INTP and ESFJ relationship:

INTPs are socially cautious and prefer thoughtful relationships. ESFJ love to entertain and are comfortable with small talk. This level of social interaction would be very stressful to the INTP.

The INTP and ISFJ relationship:

The INTP enjoys intellectual challenges and- seeks innovative ways to address them. The ISFJ seeks to get along with people and help them if possible. They are also keen to have a harmonious life and prefer aesthetically pleasing surroundings.

What does it mean for the INTP type?

Out of the sixteen personalities, the INTP personality type is the most compatible with the ENTPs, INFPs, INTJs, and INTPs. In romantic relationships, these personality types become natural companions to the INTP.

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